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专业代写小品、相声、快板、三句半、音乐剧、情景剧、哑剧、二人转剧本。电话:13979226936 联系QQ:652117037
             ROMEO AND JULIET
R  It’s so boring, isn’t it? What are you going to do tonight?
B  There is a masquerade held by Capulet tonight. I leard there will be many beautiful ladies. I’d like to go. Don’t you go with me?
R  Capulet? No, I can’t go. The family is our enemy.
B  Oh, come on. Ladies are waiting for you. Maybe you can find your true love. And they don’t find you with your mask.
R(沉思一会)ok, just for ladies.
B  Look at the lady sitting over there. Why don’t you invite her to dance with you?(指朱丽叶方向)
R  No, you must be kidding. She is so ugly.
B  it must be her mask. No one can look like that. By the way, her figure is so hot. I can bet she must be a beautiful girl. Go ahead, my friend.
R  Ok
R  Beautiful lady, do I have the honor to dance with you?
J(狂喜)  really?(小声)oh, thank you, god. My dream finally came true. It’s the first time I have been invited to dance.
R  What are you saying?
J(回神)no, nothing . (罗密欧牵起朱丽叶的手,两人步入舞池起舞)
J  It’s the happiest day of my life. Could you put off your mask for me?
R  Ok, since you request.(摘下面具)
J(呆呆望着罗密欧)what a handsome man you are! Could you tell me your name?
R  I’m. Romeo Montague
J  What? Romeo Montague? You are the son of Montague. But why did you invite me to dance since our families are enemies? Oh, I know you must have admired me for a long time. I’m so happy about that because I, Juliet Capulet, decide to be with you. I fell in love with you the first time I see you.(婚礼进行曲响) I do swear that I’ll always be there. I’d give anything and everything and I will always care. Though weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better or worse. I will love you with every beat of my heart. Will you marry me?
R(惊恐)wait, wait. You said you are Juliet, the ugliest girl in the town? So you don’t wear a mask, this is your true face.
J  of course. Why beautiful as I should wear a mask? Wait, who is the ugliest girl? I have been flattered since I was born. Aren’t you happy to gain the love of me? Now, darling, I’d like to give you my first kiss.
C  what are they doing?
X bsck to master, I think the man is molesting miss Juliet.
C (大喜过望,内牛满面)at last I have seen my daughter being molested in my life time. I have looked forward to this day for a long time.
X  congratulations, my master.(掏出手帕佯装擦泪)
C  do you know who is the man?
X(仔细看,大惊失色)my god, master, he’s Romeo Montague!
C  what? The son of Montague? I can’t let my daughter marry such a man! (对身后一群仆人说)To separate them!
J(紧抱罗密欧手臂)oh, father, please don’t separate us. We love each other deeply.
R(欲争辩)no, I’m not…..
J (大哭)Romeo, fasten my hand, don’t let go.
C  if you don’t loose my daughter’s hand, I’ll order others to beat you.
R(奄奄一息,咬牙切齿对朱丽叶)let me go.
J (深情望着罗密欧)no, I won’t leave you alone.(罗密欧在怨恨中被揍死)
J (看向父亲)you kill him! I don’t want to live any longer. I’m going to company him in the heaven.(抽出旁边侍卫的剑自刎)
C NO……(痛哭)
R thank god. I’m still alive!(看到众人,迷茫)who can tell me where there is?
路人甲 you are in china. And it’s 21 century. What happened to you?
R  what? I have been through time!
J  oh darling, I can’t belive it. We are all alive! We can live together without any rejection now!
R (仰天长啸)no, I prefer to die again.
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授权级别:独家授权与委托   作品类别:话剧剧本-英语话剧剧本   会员:fanhoulai   阅读: 次   编辑评分: 3
投稿时间:2012/11/22 9:40:44     最新修改:2012/11/22 9:40:44     来源:中国国际剧本网www.juben108.com 
话剧剧本名:《英语话剧ROMEO AND JULIET》
专业代写小品、相声、戏曲、双簧、诗诵读、演讲稿、话剧剧本。 电话:13979226936 QQ:652117037
             ROMEO AND JULIET
R  It’s so boring, isn’t it? What are you going to do tonight?
B  There is a masquerade held by Capulet tonight. I leard there will be many beautiful ladies. I’d like to go. Don’t you go with me?
R  Capulet? No, I can’t go. The family is our enemy.
B  Oh, come on. Ladies are waiting for you. Maybe you can find your true love. And they don’t find you with your mask.
R(沉思一会)ok, just for ladies.
B  Look at the lady sitting over there. Why don’t you invite her to dance with you?(指朱丽叶方向)
R  No, you must be kidding. She is so ugly.
B  it must be her mask. No one can look like that. By the way, her figure is so hot. I can bet she must be a beautiful girl. Go ahead, my friend.
R  Ok
R  Beautiful lady, do I have the honor to dance with you?
J(狂喜)  really?(小声)oh, thank you, god. My dream finally came true. It’s the first time I have been invited to dance.
R  What are you saying?
J(回神)no, nothing . (罗密欧牵起朱丽叶的手,两人步入舞池起舞)
J  It’s the happiest day of my life. Could you put off your mask for me?
R  Ok, since you request.(摘下面具)
J(呆呆望着罗密欧)what a handsome man you are! Could you tell me your name?
R  I’m. Romeo Montague
J  What? Romeo Montague? You are the son of Montague. But why did you invite me to dance since our families are enemies? Oh, I know you must have admired me for a long time. I’m so happy about that because I, Juliet Capulet, decide to be with you. I fell in love with you the first time I see you.(婚礼进行曲响) I do swear that I’ll always be there. I’d give anything and everything and I will always care. Though weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better or worse. I will love you with every beat of my heart. Will you marry me?
R(惊恐)wait, wait. You said you are Juliet, the ugliest girl in the town? So you don’t wear a mask, this is your true face.
J  of course. Why beautiful as I should wear a mask? Wait, who is the ugliest girl? I have been flattered since I was born. Aren’t you happy to gain the love of me? Now, darling, I’d like to give you my first kiss.
C  what are they doing?
X bsck to master, I think the man is molesting miss Juliet.
C (大喜过望,内牛满面)at last I have seen my daughter being molested in my life time. I have looked forward to this day for a long time.
X  congratulations, my master.(掏出手帕佯装擦泪)
C  do you know who is the man?
X(仔细看,大惊失色)my god, master, he’s Romeo Montague!
C  what? The son of Montague? I can’t let my daughter marry such a man! (对身后一群仆人说)To separate them!
J(紧抱罗密欧手臂)oh, father, please don’t separate us. We love each other deeply.
R(欲争辩)no, I’m not…..
J (大哭)Romeo, fasten my hand, don’t let go.
C  if you don’t loose my daughter’s hand, I’ll order others to beat you.
R(奄奄一息,咬牙切齿对朱丽叶)let me go.
J (深情望着罗密欧)no, I won’t leave you alone.(罗密欧在怨恨中被揍死)
J (看向父亲)you kill him! I don’t want to live any longer. I’m going to company him in the heaven.(抽出旁边侍卫的剑自刎)
C NO……(痛哭)
R thank god. I’m still alive!(看到众人,迷茫)who can tell me where there is?
路人甲 you are in china. And it’s 21 century. What happened to you?
R  what? I have been through time!
J  oh darling, I can’t belive it. We are all alive! We can live together without any rejection now!
R (仰天长啸)no, I prefer to die again.
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